
[Server Utility Bot]



Introducing our Server Utility Bot, a versatile companion designed to enhance your Discord server experience. Our bot is packed with an array of useful features and functions to simplify server management, streamline interactions, and provide valuable tools for both administrators and members.

An all-in-one Discord bot that offers a wide range of features, including music and GPT functionality, AI Image Generation, server management and moderation tools, configurable logging, and mini-games for added entertainment


Our top priority is protecting your privacy. When developing our Discord bot, we gave significant attention to information security. In critical situations, we may periodically monitor bot activity and, if needed, initiate a shutdown to safeguard the privacy of your data. By following standard procedures like data anonymization and regular security assessments, we ensure that your information remains private and inaccessible to unknown individuals. You can confidently use our bot, knowing that we prioritize your privacy and keep your data safe.


With our Discord Server Utility Bot, you can effortlessly enhance your Discord server with a wide range of convenient functionalities. Say goodbye to the complexities of interacting with external websites for configurations. Our bot offers streamlined server management, convenient information access, easy customization, engaging features, reliable performance, and enhanced security and privacy. Take control of your server experience without the need for external platforms or interfaces. Simplify and optimize your server management directly within your Discord server with our user-friendly and reliable utility bot.


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Total Users

All Commands - [Note: ✅ Slash Command Supported ( / )]

✅[/]guide - Provides you a book with all the available commands listed
?brb <AFK_Message> - Sets a user's status to AFK with an AFK message.
?brb_list - Returns a list of users who went AFK with their correlating AFK message.
✅[/]ping - Returns the bot's network ping in ms.
✅[/]tts <Message> - Bot joins a VC and speaks your specified message.
?play [UPLOAD_MP3_FILE] - Bot joins a VC and plays the uploaded mp3 file.
?stop - Bot disconnects from the VC.
?loop - Bot toggles on/off replay for the current playing music.
?pause - Bot haults the currently playing music.
?resume - Bot continues the previously playing music.
✅[/]pb <Prompt> - Bot returns AI(Text Davinci Model) generated answer depending on the user provided prompt.
?remind <duration><s/m/hr> <reminder_message> - Bot sends a ping message back to the user after a specified time with the specified reminder message.
?calculate - Auto calculates the inputted simple math problem.
?poll <Question> | <Choice 1> | <Choice 2> | <Choice 3> - Creates a voting poll
?spin_set | <Text1> | <Text2> - Sets the choices/variables.
?spin <Text> - Starts the random choice/variable pick.
?spin_reset - Resets inputted choices/variables.
?create_note <note_name> - Creates an empty save of the note
?delete_note <note_name> - Deletes a note save
?note_add <note_name> <text> - Adds text to the specified note save
?note_remove <note_name> <text> - Removes specified text to the specified note save
?note_show <note_name> - View the embed note save
?note_list - Returns a list of all note saves saved to the current server
✅[/]embed_colors - Returns a list of embed colors with their hex code
?sfx_add <name your sfx> - Adds your sound effects to the custom soundboard(25MB Limit - No Nitro, 500MB Limit - With Nitro)
✅[/]sfx <number/name> - Plays your specified sound effect. Refer to /sfx_list or ?sfx_list
✅[/]sfx_shuffle - Plays a shuffled sequence of this server's soundboard entries.
✅[/]sfx_list - Returns a list of all uploaded sound effects in this server.
✅[/]weather <country_or_city> - Get current weather for your specified country/city.
✅[/]download <youtube_link> - Convert a YouTube video to mp3/mp4
✅[/]prior_search - Directly google any queries/request you may have through Prior.
✅[/]feedback - Feel free to give our bot a feedback or suggest features that you want for Prior <3.

✅[/]setup - Brings up the bot setup status and features to set up
✅[/]set <log_system> <#Channel> - Sets where the specified log system should log its info
✅[/]reset <log_system> - Removes the previously set #Channel to the specified log system
✅[/]bool <system> <true/false> - Sets a specified system to be true to function or false to not function
✅[/]say <#Channel> <Message> - Bot sends a message correlating to the user's specified text and channel.
✅[/]edit <#Channel> <Message_ID> <New_Message> - Bot edits previously sent message
?dm <true/false(EMBED/NOT EMBED)> <@User> <DM_Message> - Bot sends a personal message to the specified user with the user's specified message.
✅[/]terminate <amount> - Delete a specified amount of messages(Max 50)
✅[/]setup - Returns a list of features and settings to setup
✅[/]set <#channel> - Sets the system to the specified channel
✅[/]reset <system> - Resets the system's set channel to none
✅[/]bool <system> <true/false> - Sets the system true to function or false to not function.
✅[/]manager <admin/moderator roles> - Set the admin/moderator roles that will have access to the admin commands
?embed_say <#channel> <#color> <title> <description> - Bot sends an embed message correlating to the user's speciffications.
?create_react_role <#channel> <#color> <"title"> <@Role1-✅ @Role2-❌> - Bot sends an embed with reactions for user's to react, which doing so gets them the role correlated to the emoji.
?create_join_role <name> <@Role> - Sets the auto role upon user server join
?delete_join_role <name> - Deletes the set auto role
?view_join_role - Shows the set auto role setup
✅[/]warn <@user> <warning_message> - Warn a user who is doing something inappropriate or rule breaking
✅[/]mute <@user> <duration(minutes)> <reason> - Removes a user's ability to message.
✅[/]kick <@user> <reason> - Removes a user from the server
✅[/]ban <@user> <reason> - Removes and forbids a user from joining the server again.
More To Come
More To Come

✅[/]cool <@User> - Gives a random cool percentage probability from 0-100% to the person specified.
✅[/]pp <@User> - Gives a random pp length probability from 0-10in. to the person specified.
✅[/]roulette <@User> - Gives a random Chamber Bullet probability from 0-5, 0 and 2-5 being empty(safe).
✅[/]rps <rock/paper/scissor> - Play rock, paper, scissor with the bot
✅[/]pball <question> - Ask the Magic Prior Ball a question and receive a random answer.
✅[/]scramble - Unscramble the word and test your vocabulary skills in this mini-game.
✅[/]hangman - Guess the hidden word by suggesting letters in this classic word-guessing game.
✅[/]envision - Generates an AI-made image from a prompt.
✅[/]joke - Gives you random jokes. Note: If you find the jokes offensive/harming, please let us know.
✅[/]ship - Ship two names together for fun!😍

Terms of Service


1. Acceptance of Terms
By adding and using the Prior Discord bot ("Bot") in your server, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service ("Terms"). If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not use the Bot.

2. Description of Service
Prior provides a variety of features, including music playback, GPT functionality, AI image generation, server management and moderation tools, configurable logging, and mini-games. The Bot is designed to simplify server management and enhance user interaction within Discord servers.

3. Usage Requirements

  • You must have the necessary permissions to add and manage bots in your Discord server.
  • You agree not to use the Bot for any unlawful or prohibited activities.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that your use of the Bot complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
4. User Conduct

  • You agree not to misuse the Bot or its features.
  • You will not attempt to disrupt the Bot's functionality or interfere with its operations.
  • You will respect the privacy and rights of other users and not use the Bot to harass or harm others.
5. Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how we collect, use, and protect your data.

6. Limitation of Liability
The Bot is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees. We are not liable for any damages arising from your use of the Bot.

7. Termination
We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Bot at our sole discretion, without notice, for conduct that we believe violates these Terms or is harmful to other users.

8. Changes to Terms
We may update these Terms from time to time. Continued use of the Bot after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

9. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or through Discord by using the feedback feature.

Privacy Policy


1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information when you use the Prior Discord bot ("Bot").

2. Information We Collect
This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information when you use the Prior Discord bot ("Bot").

  • Server Data: We may collect server-related information such as server ID, channel ID, and user ID to provide and improve our services. Prior stores server IDs where it is joined to ensure that features like soundboard entries are organized correctly within each server, avoiding any mixing across different servers.
  • User Interactions: We collect and store user interactions with the Bot to provide functionality and improve user experience. For users with administrator access (managers), Prior stores their user IDs to grant them appropriate permissions to manage the bot's features without issues.
  • Usage Data: We may collect data on how the Bot is used to monitor performance and improve the service. Any other data stored by Prior is strictly for functional purposes, ensuring the bot operates effectively within Discord servers.
3. How We Use Your Information

  • To provide and maintain the Bot’s functionality.
  • To monitor usage and performance of the Bot.
  • To improve and enhance our services.
  • To ensure the security and integrity of our services.
4. Data Protection

  • We prioritize the security and privacy of your data.
  • We use standard procedures like data anonymization and regular security assessments.
  • We do not share your data with third parties without your consent, except as required by law.
5. Data Retention
We retain collected data for as long as necessary to provide our services and as required by applicable laws..

6. User Rights

  • You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal data.
  • You can request to access, update, or delete your data by contacting us at [insert contact email].
7. Changes to Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

9. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or through Discord by using the feedback feature.
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